Have you ever walked into your kitchen and your heart sank before the day started to see piles of dirty dishes from the night before? A sink full of dirty dishes may be your daily environment or occasionally when life gets hectic.
Do you believe that one habit can genuinely transform your life?
When our youngest son was born, I had a very eye-opening realization that I wouldn't have all my children under one roof forever. Someday not too far, our oldest son would leave to begin his own life.
You're 5 minutes late, the baby needs a diaper change, and the toddler refuses to put her shoes on. You can feel your blood pressure rising, and you're wondering why you even attempt to leave the house because it creates more stress. Is it even worth it?
It's mid-afternoon, I'm tired, the house is a mess, and I need to muster up some energy to finish the day strong. Instead, I fall into my comfy rocking chair to check my phone for a quick minute. But that brief minute turns into an hour. Sound familiar?
It goes something like this.
- Check my texts
- Check my group communication app
- Check my email
- See what's new on Facebook.
- Check in on Instagram to see what all my favorite content creators are putting out.
- Start it all over again, HOPING something new has come through
Can you relate?
Are you crawling into bed each night under wrinkled blankets falling off the bed?
Or are you slipping into an oasis of comfort after a long day?
When was the last time you upgraded those ratty and stained sheets?
Do you love the feel and the look of your bedroom?
Or is it the last place you've put time and energy into creating?
How do you feel when you walk into your bedroom each day?
If you don't feel a sense of calmness, it's time to implement some change.