Out of necessity, I have had to embrace a slow lifestyle as a mom of five kids. After years of back-to-back pregnancies and nursing, my body could not tolerate a breakneck speed of living. It simply needed rest.
As moms, we carry a lot of weight in raising our children. Our deep love and bond drive us to do everything we can for our family. But sometimes, we do it at the expense of our physical and emotional health. Today I want to share four simple tips that have helped me find pockets of time to care for myself.
Are you barely hanging on to any sanity each afternoon?
Are the kids wild and restless?
Are you ready to throw in the towel and turn the TV on for the rest of the day?
I've been there, Mama. Some days are just plain hard.
When my boys were little, I became very aware of those overwhelming hours before my husband came home. These hours would consist of
boredom, a chaotic and messy house, and a frazzled young mom.
Let's chat about the flow of your day and how it affects your afternoons.
Does your home look like mine did over a decade ago?
Laundry piles everywhere?
Is everyone complaining they have nothing to wear because they can't find it?
Have your kids been digging into the baskets throwing everything out, in their search for something to wear?
A sink full of dirty dishes from last night?
Do you feel defeated before the day even starts?
Does your bathroom have a peculiar odor?
Does it feel like a monumental task you dread doing, because it's so awful?
Do you feel overwhelmed when you walk into your bedroom?
Do you desire a sense of calm?